Archive:November 24, 2022

Singapore Maintains Hard-Line Take on Goodwill in Million-Dollar Wonton Noodle Feud

Singapore Maintains Hard-Line Take on Goodwill in Million-Dollar Wonton Noodle Feud

In Singapore, popular eatery “ENG’S Wonton Noodles” is known for its springy noodles, luscious wonton dumplings and fiery chilli sauce. Its popularity attracted more than S$1.6 million in revenue one year, but a fallout between the founder’s children and their business partners led to multiple disputes, including a dispute over trade mark rights to the “ENG’S” name in Pauline New Ping Ping v Eng’s Char Siew Wantan Mee Pte. Ltd. [2022] SGIPOS 10.

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